What Makes PhenQ UK Different From Other Diet Pills?

What Makes PhenQ UK Different From Other Diet Pills?

The manufacturers make a big deal of the fact they are using a powerful new ingredient called a-LACYS RESET. We checked it out and its seems to be everything they say but, in all fairness, the other ingredients are good as well and that’s probably got a lot to do with the products success too.

The manufacturer also says PhenQ is so potent people would need to use a cocktail of alternative products to get the same results. This could be a bit of an exaggeration, but the formulation of ingredients used in PhenQ offers dieters support in so many different ways we can see why the manufacturer feels justified in making this claim. Health experts say pills that assist weight loss in several ways deliver the best results; so the blend has a lot to offer.

What Does PhenQ UK Do?

The promised benefits are:

  • Appetite suppression
  • Improved fat burning
  • Boosted energy levels
  • Mood enhancement
  • Prevents the formation of new fat cells

This means the pills are designed to kill the hunger urges that may tempt people to eat too much food. By avoiding the temptation people can keep their calorie intakes low. That’s good because the lack of calories will force the body to begin burning fat. Less calories can mean less energy though. Nobody wants to shuffle around like a zombie all day, so PhenQ also contains ingredients to energise the body and stop you from running out of steam. A lot of dieters find eating less can take all the shine out of their day, so the pills also have some mood enhancing ingredients. The fact that the formulation is designed to prevent new fat cells from forming is beneficial too, but only in theory. The pill’s other abilities prime the body for burning fat instead of storing it anyway. So the ability to block fat storage is nothing more than a back-up plan—handy, but not entirely necessary.

Active Ingredients

Each capsule provides:

a-LACYS RESET: This is the main ingredient. It’s a proprietary blend created by Nutraceuticals International Group. Nobody else appears to be using it, but the people involved in clinical trials lost 7.24% of their body fat during the period they were given a-LACYS RESET as a supplement. They showed a 3.8% in muscle mass too.

Caffeine: An energy boosting stimulant that speeds up the metabolism and is also a proven fat burner.

Capsimax Powder: A capsicum-powered proprietary blend that also contains niacin, caffeine and piperine. Capsicum extract can be good for suppressing the appetite, but scientific study shows it really comes into its own as a fat burner. Niacin is sometimes called vitamin B3 and it’s known to be a very powerful fat burner. It also provides vasodilation to improve the circulation. This ensure the muscles, brain and other important organs, are well nourished. Piperine is a black pepper extract that helps other ingredients to be absorbed more easily.

Nopal: An appetite suppressing ingredient. Scientific study reveals nopal also has the power to block the fat in food and prevent it from being digested.

Calcium Carbonate: If you thought calcium carbonate was only good as a stomach powder you are not alone, but you are wrong. Scientists at the University of Tennessee have discovered calcium can accelerate fat loss and make it less likely new fat cells will form to replace those that have been lost.

Chromium Picolinate: Chromium prevents the fluctuating insulin levels that can cause a desire for sweet food.

L-Carnitine Furmarate: A study conducted at the University of Rome suggests L-Carnitine can be good for preventing fatigue.

Usage Guidelines

One pill is needed at breakfast, and another one with lunch. A healthy diet and exercise is recommended.

Customer Response

A lot of people swear by this product and say its the real deal. Many of them provide before and after photos, and the pictures suggest PhenQ packs a lot of power. One woman who used the pills with diet and exercise, lost 44lbs and went from plump to sexy in only 12 weeks. A guy who was a self-admitted dieting failure lost 12 pounds in a month. Countless other people share similar PhenQ success stories and nobody seems to have a bad word to say about the product.

Side Effects & Health Issues

It’s very unlikely customers will encounter any nasty side effects with PhenQ, but if you are woman who is pregnant or nursing a child you should play it safe and only use supplements that have been approved by your doctor. If you are someone who has exiting health problems, or you are taking medication, it would be sensible to seek medical advice before using PhenQ or any other type of diet supplement.

Final Opinion

All those people who are saying PhenQ is the best thing since sliced bread are undoubtedly right. Any pill that contains so many good ingredients cannot fail to be a success. If you are looking for the best way to lose weight, we suggest you buy PhenQ UK. That long guarantee is there to protect your interests. It also show the manufacturer is confident the pills will work.

Buying Options & After Sales Service

You can buy PhenQ directly from the manufacturers website. There are 60 pills in a bottle and you are looking at a price tag of £45.95. That’s pretty good, and it’s possible to score a better deal by buying an extra bottle or two. That entitles you to a discount and some freebies. There are no extra charges for shipping.

The level of after sales service is good. You can contact customer services via telephone or online form, and the customer services department is manned 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. PhenQ is also backed by a money back guarantee that lasts for 60 days.


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