Basic info on Phentermine

Basic info on Phentermine

As you already know, obesity is a medical condition that involves much more than just being overweight. It is an issue that involves much more than just psychological issues like low self-esteem and confidence. It is a condition that can cause severe physiological consequences and increase the risks of developing certain conditions that can further harm your health. In order to lose weight, some people only need exercise and diet, while some people need a bit of outside help. And one of the best outside helps that you can get is from Phentermine, a prescription medication that has been one of the favorite weight loss pills since it came out.

Phentermine is a medication which works similarly to amphetamines, only being much less likely to cause any adverse effects. It is a stimulant drug, which means that it works by stimulating certain glands into producing enhanced processes in your body. In case of Phentermine, your body produces increased levels of neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine, which in combination cause a fight or flight response which suppresses the appetite significantly. Another characteristic of the fight or flight response is that your metabolism speeds up, which leads your body to burning more calories than it usually would. Due to these two different effects of Phentermine, this medication has been shown to significantly increase the amount of weight that you lose during your weight loss program, which will still need to include a careful diet and a regular exercise regimen.

Unlike many other weight loss pills, Phentermine is a prescription drug, which means that you should definitely discuss using the medication with your physician. People tend to skip this step because it is possible to get Phentermine online without prescription these days. However, you should never do this, as there is a possibility that you might suffer from some of the conditions that might be exacerbated by the use of this medication. For example, people with certain cardiovascular diseases and uncontrolled high blood pressure should not take this medication, just to name a few cases.

Basic info on Phentermine

When it comes to side effects, Phentermine is usually well tolerated and causes side effects only in a small number of patients. The most common side effects have to do with the stimulant nature of the medication and include restlessness, tremors, insomnia, hyperactivity and such side effects. You should consult your doctor or the warning label in order to find out more about the side effects that may be caused by Phentermine.

You also need to take care when taking the medication. For instance, you need to know which medications and substances you can combine with Phentermine, as there are certain prescription medications which can cause severe conditions if combined with this weight loss pills. You should also avoid drinking alcohol when using Phentermine as this might enhance certain side effects of the medication, particularly the impairment of thinking and reactions that are sometimes caused by Phentermine.

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