Dieting, as a form of weight loss method, is definitely one of the most common ones. This is because going on a diet seems extremely logical. People gain weight because they eat a lot and in order to stop gaining weight and start losing weight, they have to stop eating, but not completely, of course. Dieting thus seems logical, but is it really an effective weight loss method and are different types of diets more effective than the others?
First of all, if we take into consideration our own positive experience with dieting and other people’s positive experiences, it becomes clear that dieting is an effective weight loss method. However, what if we consider the stories of the people that didn’t really manage to benefit from dieting. Did these people do something wrong or was it just that they didn’t adopt the best types of diets out there?
Considering that dieting is extremely challenging and considering that it can even be stressful at times, it does not come as such a surprise that some people give up on dieting before any results start showing. But they will almost never admit that their failure to lose weight was their fault. They will almost always blame it on a faulty diet. People thus cannot really be trusted because they tend to be subjective. Scientists, on the other hand, can provide us with a more insightful and definitely a more objective picture of whether dieting is really effective and if it is, to which extent.
The majority of popular diets can be divided into three groups: low-fat diets, low-carbohydrate diets and calorie restriction diets. The names are mostly self-explanatory considering that a low-fat diet refers to a diet which includes foods with little fat; low-carbohydrate diet restricts the consumption of carbohydrates and instead, it focuses on foods rich in protein and fat; calorie restriction diets rely on the assumption that it does not matter so much what you eat as long as you don’t go over the recommended number of calories that you need to consume during a day.
What scientists usually say about the effects of these types of diets on weight loss is that it does not really matter which one you go for. There is one study which proved that low-fat diets are no more effective than other types of diets. Most people initially like low-carbohydrate diets because during the first week or so, people lose a noticeable amount of weight, but this is only temporary because weight loss in these cases is due to the elimination of water that was retained. Calorie restriction diets are probably the most frustrating ones because people have to spend a lot of their time counting the calories, which is not always easy.
The real truth is that diets are an effective weight loss method if they are planned sensibly. If you are not dealing with any kind of health issues that need to be solved by eating only certain type of food, you can basically eat everything in moderation. You have to cut down on unhealthy foods, replace them with healthy ones, eat five small portions during a day instead of just one or two big ones and that will be the most effective diet that you can go for and one that will eventually help you achieve good results.